14 مهر 1393

Menu of 100 English Phrases to Use in Class

مولف: مدیریت سیستم   /  دسته: دسته بندی نشده   /  رتبه دهید:

Interrogative Phrases (Questions)


1. How are you?

2. What class did you just have?

3. What class do you have next?



5. What is today's date?

6. When does the bell ring?

7. Is today a regular day, or is there a special schedule?

8. Is the teacher here today?

9. Who is the substitute?

10. Is he/she nice?

11. What did he/she say?

12. I mistakenly forgot to bring all of my supplies; may I please borrow a pencil?

13. I brought extra supplies; would you like to borrow a piece of paper?

14. What is the homework?

15. Did you finish your homework?

16. Will you help me?

17. Do you know the answer to ?

18. How did you arrive at that answer?

19. What's for lunch today?

20. Do you want to have lunch with me today?

21. Would you like to go to a movie /come over to my house this weekend /today after school?

22. Do you have to work today?

23. What did you do after school yesterday?

24. Did you drive to school today?

25. Where do you live?

26. What is your phone number?

27. How has your day been so far?

28. Who is your favorite teacher?

29. What is your favorite class?

30. Do you like ?

Declarative Phrases (Statements)

1. Good morning.

2. I am fine/good/feeling well.

3. Thank you.

4. You're welcome.

5. You look nice today.

6. I am so tired.

7. I stayed up late last night babysitting/doing homework/playing video games/watching TV.

8. I just had class with Mr./Ms.

9.  Next, I have class with Mr./Ms.

10. It is o'clock.

11. The bell rings in minutes at o'clock.

12. Today's schedule is regular/irregular.

13. I saw a movie.

14. I watched television.

15. I worked.

16. I drove to school.

17. I read a book.

18. I went to class.

19. I went to my friend's/cousin's/brother's/sister's/dad's/mom's house.

20. I had a soccer/baseball/basketball/football game (or tennis match).

21. I went shopping.

22. My family and I went out to dinner.

23. I enjoyed the very much.

24. I did not enjoy the as much as I had hoped.

25. I don't/didn't  like .

26. I am going to the mall/movies/store.

27. I have a dentist/doctor appointment.

28. I have a soccer/baseball/basketball/football game after school.

29. I have after school.

30. I am going to my friend's/cousin's/brother's/sister's/dad's/mom's house after school.

31. I am going to stay home and read/study/play/do my homework with my brother/sister/cousin.

32. I'll discuss that with my mom/dad/parents.

33. My favorite class/teacher is .

34. I am years old.

35. I live at .

36. My phone number is .

37. I have brothers and sisters.

38. I don't feel comfortable giving you that information.

39. Yes, I do/will.

40. No, I don't/won't.

41. Yes, you may.

42. No, you may not.

43. Yes, thank you.

44. No, thank you.

45. I don't know.

46. I'm sorry.

47. My day is going well/poorly.

48. The teacher is talking.

49. I'll see you later.

50. Good-bye.


Imperative Phrases (Commands)


1. Please hand me that pencil/eraser.

2. Please stop talking.

3. Please speak English.

4. Read the directions/board.

5. Leave me alone.

6. Why don't you look in the dictionary/check the Internet? (This looks like a question but is really a command).

7. Let's go to the mall/movies/library/soccer game.

8. Call me later.

9. Enjoy your snack/lunch.

10. Have a good/nice day. Exclamatory Phrases (Exclamations)

1. Ouch!

2. Watch out!

3. Hey!

4. Stop it!

5. Don't!

6. Help!

7. Wow!

8. Oh, my G-d!

9. Yay!

10. That would be grea

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